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  • Callistemon citrinus
    Crimson Bottlebrush
    NOTE: Seeds are very tiny

    Crimson bottlebrush makes a perfect specimen plant for bright sunny areas. Create a tropical effect for a pool side planting or water feature.
    Long wispy branches are filled with light green, lance shaped leaves with a citrus aroma. Bright red bottle brush shaped flowers bloom from the tips of the branches filling the plant with color irresistible to hummingbirds and other pollinators.
    This is an extremely easy plant to grow, requires very little maintenance with some drought tolerance once established.

    Hardy for zones 8-11. Can be grown in containers in cooler zones. Grows to about 10 feet (3 m)

    Fun Facts:
    1. The plant often blooms twice a year.
    2. Flowering season is from early November and toward the end of March

    Standard Zone 9+
    Potted Deck Plant
    Ornamental Tropical

    Callistemon citrinus -Crimson Bottlebrush seeds

    $4.00 Regular Price
    $3.20Sale Price
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