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  • We thank you for your support of rare and naturally grown seeds!

    Salvadora persica
    Toothbrush Tree
    Mustard Tree


    This small shrub or tree is desired by plant collectors for the short trunk and twisty roots that grow very twisted or bent making it a most beautiful bonsai work of art.  Branches are numerous, drooping and stiff sometimes swollen at intersecting points. Its fibrous branches have been used for centuries as a natural toothbrush. The root bark of the tree has a pleasant fragrance similar to cress or mustard. 


    Blue-green leaves are accented by fragrant, small white flowers that form on small spike clusters in March-April.  New leaves form in April. Perfect as a tropical or for use in bonsai culture.


    Salvadora Persica Rare 10 Tropical Seeds Toothbrush tree

    $5.00 Regular Price
    $4.00Sale Price
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