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Cucumis metuliferus African Horned Cucumber seeds
  • African Horned Cucumber "Cucaceratops" tm Cucumis metuliferus

    Also known as Kiwano this native to Africa and annual climber grows in the wild as well as in cultivation. The fruits are oval, green and ripen to red-orange. The skin is covered with short, blunt unique looking spikes. The plant grows just like other cucumber plants with vines reaching 5 - 10 feet long. Flowers form with two to four pale yellow male flowers, a leaf petiole, and occasionally a fruiting branch. Hardy to Zone 10. Although edible and most often squeezed into juices it is primarily grown for its ornamental cool, prehistoric look.

    In Zimbabwe, this cucumber is called gaka or gakachika, and it is primarily used in fruit-snacks, salad, and, rarely, for decoration. Its taste has been compared to a combination of cucumber and zucchini or a combination of banana, cucumber and lemon. A small amount of salt or sugar can increase the flavor. The fruit can be used in cooking, but when eaten raw, most suck out the pulp and spit out the seeds.

    Cucumis metuliferus African Horned Cucumber seeds

    $4.00 Regular Price
    $3.20Sale Price
    • Fun Facts:
      Member of the Cucurbitaceae
      Can remain in storage for 6 months at 50°F
      Species Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey. ex Naud or ex Schrad
      Mainly grown as an ornamental fruit
      Fun for kids gardens
      105 days from seed sowing to fruit harvest
      Don't hesitate to prune back plants and keep old fruits picked up to avoid future plants from becoming a weed or invasive
      Also called Horned Melon and Jelly Melon

      Growing Tips:
      Keep plants well watered
      If space is limited grow on a trellis or fence
      Maximize production by harvesting fruits regularly

      All seed descriptions are based on careful study, research and our own growing experiments. They are reproduced here, from our web site and seed company packet descriptions and are Copyright along with photos © [ Summers Seeds Garden Products] 1998-present. All rights reserved. No part of these descriptions may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the written consent of the owner/publisher.
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