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  • Passiflora edulis var flavicarpa 
    Yellow Passion Fruit

    One of the most unusually beautiful flowers in the plant kingdom! This must have vine produces a round yellow fruit about the size of a tennis ball and a little larger than the purple variety. Fruit is a little more tart and is traditionally used in juices, sorbet as well as a beverage additive. The plant itself can be planted as an annual along fences, in baskets or ground cover and is perfect for a trellis. Grows as a perennial in zones 9 and above. Produces very fragrant, unusual flowers.

    Fun Facts:
    1. Native of southern Brazil to northern Argentina
    2. The vine became popular in Hawaii when seeds migrated there in 1880
    3. Also known as Passionfruit, Granadilla, Qarandila, Maracuja, Passion Vine
    4. In the 16th century, when Christian missionaries landed in South America, the passion flower was the plant that signified their success
    5.They believed that the flower symbolized the death of Christ; the five petals represented the disciples (minus Peter and Judas), the corona symbolizes the crown of horns around Christ's head, and other features were a symbol of the wounds, nails, and whips used on Christ
    6.The vine can grow 20 - 30 feet per year
    7. An excellent source of fiber it contains antioxidants, polyphenols, which are effective in preventing Cardiovascular Disease and the juice is high in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and carotenoids (vitamin A)
    8. Fruit is yellow - dark purple and will bear in one to 3 years from seed
    9. Makes an excellent plant for collectors of plants for the home or greenhouse environment

    Passiflora edulis var flavicarpa 10 Seeds

    $5.00 Regular Price
    $4.00Sale Price
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