Slenderette Bush Bean
56 Days
A vigorous bean with unbeatable flavor and high yields! Excellent gourmet bean that is highly prized for French cuisine. Straight, uniform pods taste as good as they look. 20 inch plants mean no need for staking! Straight, 5" beans are packed with flavor and can be picked all summer long. A long time customer favorite and one of my personal favorites. They cook up tender and perfect for fresh, freezing or canning. Disease resistant.
Direct-sow these seeds when the soil is warm in spring and all danger of frost is past. Beans like plenty of sunshine and good drainage, but tolerate a wide variety of soil types. Space plants about 18 to 24 inches apart.
Vegetable Seeds- Bean-Slenderette Bush Bean- 100 seeds
$7.00 Regular Price
$5.60Sale Price