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  • Yellow Brandywine Tomato
    80 Days

    Well formed golden, juicy fruits have a rich, old-fashioned flavor. Perfect as a slicer and works well diced in salads. Low acid. Exceptional quality.

    Fruit size: 16 oz
    Matures: 80 days
    Plant spacing: 36 inches apart
    Plant size: 4 feet tall
    Plant type: Indeterminate

    Fun Facts

    1. Has potato shaped leaves
    2. It is believed that the tomato originates in the western portions of South America
    3. Varieties of wild tomatoes are still found in Peru
    4. Aztecs of Central America called it "xitomatl"
    5. In 1692 a cookbook was published in Naples and mentions the Tomato

    They can be used fresh, frozen, canned and in salads

    Tomato Seeds -Yellow Brandywine 20 Vegetable Seeds

    $3.00 Regular Price
    $2.40Sale Price
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